Friday, 11 May 2012

What the British press isn't saying

I dont think its any coincidence that the day former News of the World editor Andy Coulson and Conservative director of communications takes the stand at the Leveson Inquiry, the government chooses to release information about the Ministry of Defences decision to renege on an aircraft carrier deal, losing nearly £100 million in the process. How do you bury bad news? By releasing even worse news, of course!

Once, we had the best press in the world. Now British journalists appear to be asleep at the wheel. Coulson is currently on bail for his involvement in the phone hacking scandal. I want to know who is paying his legal fees and when was the last time he spoke to his former employer? Coulson failed to declare that he owned £40,000-worth of News Corp shares, a clear  conflict of interest, but claims this was merely an oversight as he was busy. Really? What questions was Coulson asked before he took up his position as director of communications?

During the inquiry, Coulson dismissed any idea that there was any deal to ensure the Murdochs the whole of BSkyB in return for the newspapers supporting the Conservatives. In his statement, he described Cameron as a thoroughly decent, moral man. How lovely.

This story has been so underreported in this country, it is truly staggering. I am certain that it will take an American journalist to reveal the true extent of the corruption - yes, corruption - involved.

Meanwhile, Cameron must be breathing a sigh of relief.

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